What We Know
Knowing what we know
about pineapples and tragic endings,
Knowing what we know
about Shakespeare’s sonnets and The Statue of Liberty,
Knowing what we know
about Godzilla vs. The Appalachian Lap Dulcimer,
Knowing volumes, as we must certainly know,
about the frail balance of seemingly tiny things –
a passing smile, a glass of milk, a single raindrop
taken out of context, misquoted, magnified
until it is no longer just a raindrop
but rather a crystal ball
in the wagon of a Gypsy
whose eyes get big as she foretells great things
about the future of one particular fettuccine noodle,
Knowing how this delicate balance of seemingly disparate elements
is what holds the universe in-tact,
keeps the world from turning into one endless I Love Lucy re-run
in which everything spins hopelessly out of control,
as they say,
Knowing what we know
about the Gods of Randomness, pranksters
motivated by their singular love of paradox, up all hours
like a night-shift of Wiley Coyote impersonators,
planting dynamite behind our smallest and our greatest expectations,
fiddling around with this or that unlikely outcome,
moving us in unforeseen directions, pushing us
like proverbial deer into the headlights
of what comes next, what certainly must come next,
Knowing as we know
that it has always been thus,
whatever that means,
But knowing as we know
that our story, like all stories,
doth have a beginning, middle and an end
and was written in the stars
ages ago, long before the wondrous moments of our births,
Knowing as we know, however,
that love has such small windows,
and that sometimes it is necessary to bring a ladder
for climbing up into those windows
which hopefully will be unlocked
on whatever textbook summer night,
amidst a profusion of moonflower blossoms,
we might be bold enough to reach across the galaxy
between us, extending a hand
for the first time, knowing, not knowing,
but mainly knowing,
Knowing as we know
about particle physics,
which ain’t much, admittedly,
but nonetheless knowing the sheer unlikelihood, statistically,
that two such seemingly tiny, insignificant bodies in motion
would ever cross paths,
much less collide, creating an explosion so massive
as to be felt and heard in the farthest reaches of Heaven,
Knowing all this, and so much more…,
How could we have ever doubted
that whatever literal conveyor belts brought us right here
to this current instant
were purely random?
How could we have doubted
the irrefutable truth
that everything has always been leading to this one moment,
trickling, rushing, meandering, overflowing
like streams to a river
as yet to be named or even discovered,
how could we have doubted
that our fates are as inextricable as water?
How could we have doubted
in the dungeons of our lowest hours
that we were never meant to be alone?
We have arrived here,
in this particular place, in this particular life,
for one purpose, that we might some night,
aboard this twilight boat-ride through the Magic City,
look up
and suddenly see the one face, so lovely,
we know and have always known
would someday appear, smiling, open, ready
for the clock to start ticking,
for this story to begin,
whatever the ending might be,
and whenever.
Jonah Winter
© 2010
Hi Kat: This is an excellent poem, isn't it? I can't speak for Jonah on questions of influence, but it's true that we both saw large quantities of the other's work between 1985 & about 1996. We also like a number of the same poets: Frank O'Hara, Apollinaire, Mayakovsky, the French surrealists, etc. (we also dislike some of the same poets, but I'll be mum as far as that goes!)