Thursday, September 9, 2010

Winter's Wake - Kat Mortensen

Ice spikes drip, at torture pace;
Pine-clumps plunge from upper place.
Minefield yard of scrap and scree;
More flurries on the way I see.

Mounds of snow rock-hard with ice,
Will not be moved, for trying—twice,
Porch is heaped with husks of seed;
Here nature's hungry came to feed.

Rusty vines of leaf entangle;
Redbud's rangy fingers dangle.
Limp limbs droop where once they bore
Flakes, water-logged, that lag no more.

Frozen fringes, silent creep;
Behind the bushes March hares sleep.
The corvine crew morosely caws,
As winter hedges, hems and haws.

Kat Mortensen
© 2010
all rights reserved


  1. Thank you for sharing! I really enjoyed the following lines, especially the rhyme.

    "Rusty vines of leaf entangle;
    Redbud's rangy fingers dangle."

  2. Thanks, Aaron! I like to work with rhyme and classical forms, but am also known to write free and blank verse. I guess it depends on which way "the fiddle" is tuned.


  3. I like this very much. Wonderful imagery and playful language.

  4. Hi Jacqueline: Thanks for stopping by!
